Technology News, IT articles & Information | Tecbound Technology


Be Careful Holiday E-cards Could Contain Malware Or Viruses

December 16, 2019

BleepingComputer discovered the trend, noting an uptick of emails bearing headings like “You Have Received a Thanksgiving Day Greeting Card!”

4 BIG Mistakes You’re Making By Being Cheap With Technology

December 05, 2019

Technology is more affordable and accessible than it’s ever been. Whatever you need is only a few clicks away, whether it’s a product or a service.But there are still many small businesses that cheap out on their technology and IT solutions.

What happens when you publish a web page without an SEO strategy?

October 04, 2019

So, I already have my website … and now what should I do? We recommend you develop a natural positioning strategy in Google or SEO

Level up your NGO with an IT provider

October 01, 2019

NGOs (Non governmental organization) are an important part of any society. They assist in social and economic development of the country where sometimes, the government struggles to pay attention.

What is a Managed IT Service?

September 18, 2019

Traditionally, businesses and government institutions used to run on the back of manual operations and processes. In those times, no specialized skill was required to fulfill these tasks.

How NGOs can benefit from technology to improve processes

September 01, 2019

Technology has revolutionized the processes in all types of industries including supply chain, finance, manufacturing, retail etc. Likewise, it has also brought a positive impact on the NGO sector.

Why is the use of Cloud VPN service important to secure internet traffic on mobile computers

August 18, 2019

How does your system administrator engage in remote monitoring? Do your employees connect to your business systems? Have you ever thought about the security aspect of such practices?

What is the risk of visiting websites without a Digital Certificate (HTTPS)?

July 18, 2019

Do you use a digital certificate for your website? Well, you should because it is one of the most fundamental security measures for the security of any website.

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16 Questions You MUST Ask Before Hiring Any IT Company