What happens when you publish a web page without an SEO strategy? - Tecbound Technology

What happens when you publish a web page without an SEO strategy?

  • Your website does not appear in any popular web search
  • It doesn’t list itself on Google
  • Your pages do not appear on social networks.
  • Your business does not reach the emails of your potential customers.
  • Nothing happens.

So, I already have my website … and now what should I do?
We recommend you develop a natural positioning strategy in Google or SEO, here we give you four essential tips:

1. Choose the appropriate keywords.
One of the most important things when it comes to increasing visits or traffic of your project is the correct choice of keywords: “Stop writing what you are interested in and write what your public is looking for.

2. Friendly URLs:
The links on your website must contain the keywords that you choose. It’ll increase your position in any web search.

3. Title and Description Labels:
Two important labels that you must fill out. You can find them inside the header of each page on your site. These two labels are those that the search engine reads and collects to show in its results.

4. Generate your Sitemap and send it to Google and Bing:
This is an XML file that lists the URLs of your website and the different parameters of additional information for the search engines, such as frequency of update, the importance of each page, etc.

If you want to get an optimize Website for your business, you should have an IT Partner to help you with it.

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