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Nvidia Gets In The CPU Game With ARM Purchase

September 28, 2020

If you're more than a casual gamer, you're probably already quite familiar with Nvidia, one of the industry's leaders when it comes to graphics cards.

Microsoft Adds Lists To Their Teams Communication Platform

September 22, 2020

The company has decided to make its new Microsoft Lists app available as an add-on to its Teams collaboration and video-conferencing app.

Hackers Used Windows Theme Packs To Hack Passwords

September 21, 2020

Are you a fan of customizing your Windows experience via themes? If so, you're not alone. While it's true that themes aren't used by a majority of Windows users, they're still highly popular.

Security Issues Increasing With More People Working From Home

September 14, 2020

According to a recently published report by Malwarebytes, the global pandemic may be behind the recent surge in cyberattacks against businesses of all sizes.

Amazon Moves A Step Closer To Delivery By Drone

September 14, 2020

Amazon's Prime Air drone delivery system has earned a critical FAA certification, which will allow it to begin testing customer drone deliveries in selected areas.

Google Turns Up The Speed on Chrome

September 14, 2020

PGO was first introduced with Chrome 83 for Windows using the MSVC (Microsoft Visual C++) environment. Now, with Build 85, it's being rolled out for both Mac and Windows devices using Clang.

New Malware Maker Got Past Apple Security

September 14, 2020

Any software developed for macOS goes through a multi-stage approval process, with the first step being automated. It is designed to scan software for code-signing issues and malicious components.

Some NAS Devices Are Being Exploited By Remote Hackers

September 14, 2020

According to a report recently published by researchers at 360 Netlab, hacking groups are increasingly exploiting weaknesses in some NAS devices running a variety of QNAP firmware versions that suffer from command injection vulnerabilities.

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