Technology News, IT articles & Information | Tecbound Technology


The Rise of Insider Threats

May 28, 2024

The greatest threat to your security is not an anonymous hacker working from a remote location but, more than likely, an in-house employee who knows all your trade secrets. In businesses, insider threats are more than security issues

The Importance of Cloud Backup

May 21, 2024

Suppose your company’s network were to fail right now. How long would it take to recover the data and restore normal operations?

The 5 Biggest Dark Web Threats Businesses Face

May 14, 2024

The dark web is a hotbed for illicit activities and clandestine transactions, from employees selling access to initial access brokers to bad actors selling stolen identities

What’s the Difference Between Pen Testing and Vulnerability Assessment?

May 07, 2024

Network penetration testing is crucial for proactively identifying and mitigating security risks. It helps prevent data breaches and financial losses by fortifying an organization’s defences.

Are You Prepared to Recover from a Ransomware Attack?

April 30, 2024

Businesses of all sizes constantly face the looming threat of cyberattacks. Among the most insidious of these is ransomware — a type of malware that encrypts files or locks users out of their systems until a ransom is paid

The Dangers of These Social Media Privacy Issues

April 23, 2024

Social media is a part of our everyday lives. Despite the many benefits of these platforms, social media privacy issues remain a major concern among users. 

What Business Owners Should Know About WhatsApp Passkeys

April 16, 2024

One of life's biggest challenges on the web today is the near-constant need to remember passwords. Password managers have helped reduce that strain to an extent, but password management remains a hassle for apps that require two-factor authentication

What Is Cybercrime? Types, Effects & Protection Best Practices

April 09, 2024

Cybercrime in the modern, digital-first world has become an insidious problem for individuals and businesses.

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