Ransomware Detection Techniques & Indicators

Ransomware Detection: Techniques, Indicators and Why You Need It

One of the biggest cyber threats in today’s digital-first landscape is ransomware. Cybercriminals have become relentless in their attempts to achieve their malicious goals, and ransomware has become an effective channel.

At the current rate and intensity of ransomware attacks in 2023, cybercriminals stand to accrue an estimated $900 million before January 2024. It is evident that organizations and individuals alike need to up their cyber resilience and vigilance before it’s too late.

The best possible way to do that is by implementing cybersecurity solutions and improving security policies to curb the number of ransomware vectors. A good place to start is with ransomware detection.

What is ransomware detection?

Ransomware detection is the process of identifying and eliminating the risk of a ransomware attack before it can encrypt a system’s data, rendering it inaccessible until a ransom is paid or a specific demand is met. This crucial aspect of cybersecurity involves implementing technologies, strategies, and tools to detect the presence of ransomware and mitigate its impact.

Listed below are some of the most common ransomware detection practices employed by cybersecurity professionals today.

  • Signature-based detection
  • Behavior-based detection
  • Deception-based detection
  • Detection by abnormal traffic

We’ll elaborate more on these techniques and how they help detect ransomware in an IT environment in a bit. First, let’s take a look at why it’s vital to catch ransomware in an organization’s systems as quickly as possible.

Why is early ransomware detection important?

Detecting ransomware proactively can help businesses and individuals save themselves from a world of trouble. It helps them prevent severe reputational and monetary damage. Early detection of ransomware also enables them to:

  • Better protect data: Swift detection allows organizations to protect their information, like intellectual property and employee and customer data. Ransomware typically encrypts files, making them inaccessible. Identifying ransomware early provides an opportunity to halt the encryption process before any irreversible damage occurs.
  • Ensure business continuity: Early detection helps maintain business continuity. By recognizing ransomware in its initial phases, organizations can isolate affected systems and prevent the ransomware from spreading across networks and disrupting essential business operations.
  • Prevent financial loss: Timely detection reduces the risk of financial loss associated with ransom payments. Organizations can take preventive measures, lowering the likelihood of succumbing to ransom demands and incurring significant financial damages.
  • Prevent data exfiltration: Most ransomware variants threaten to leak sensitive information unless a ransom is paid. Early detection allows organizations to prevent or limit data exfiltration, ensuring no disclosure of sensitive information and maintaining the trust of customers and stakeholders.
  • Carry out quick, cost-effective remediation: Swift detection empowers organizations to initiate rapid response and remediation measures. This may involve isolating affected systems, restoring data from backups, and implementing security patches to address vulnerabilities exploited by the ransomware.
  • Avoid operational downtime: Ransomware attacks often lead to operational downtime. Early detection minimizes downtime by allowing organizations to take immediate action, reducing the overall impact on productivity and service delivery.
  • Ensure compliance: Timely detection is crucial for compliance with data protection regulations. It helps organizations to report incidents promptly, implement necessary security measures, and avoid potential legal consequences.

Early ransomware detection helps significantly reduce the risk of a ransomware attack. It protects an organization’s long-term interests as well by safeguarding data, minimizing downtime, and avoiding financial and reputational hurdles.

What are common indicators of a ransomware attack?

Each iteration of ransomware possesses unique characteristics. However, there are certain ways to identify an ongoing ransomware attack by observing specific irregularities. An unmistakable sign of a ransomware attack is an unusual surge in disk activity. It is crucial to bear in mind that ransomware systematically scans each folder for data to encrypt. Depending on the nuances of the attack, organizations or individuals, including other users on the same network, might observe a decrease in system responsiveness.

Here are a few other indicators of a ransomware attack:

  • Creation of new accounts, particularly privileged accounts, to be used as backdoors
  • Glitchy security or backup systems
  • Increased activity in continuous data protection (CDP) systems
  • Unauthorized software installations
  • Unsuccessful attempts to access network shares or applications

Ransomware detection techniques

As mentioned earlier, there are various ransomware detection techniques, but we’ve highlighted some of the most common ones and elaborated on them below.

Signature-based detection

Signature-based detection is an effective technique to spot malicious activities in an organization’s IT network. It involves examining network traffic, identifying known patterns or signatures of previously identified ransomware and issuing an alert upon discovering a match.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how signature-based detection works:

  1. The detector generates unique identifiers for known attacks.
  2. It then scans the data to find attacks.
  3. The detector compares the network traffic to known signatures.
  4. It then generates an alert when a match is made.
  5. The file is considered a threat and automatically gets blocked

It is important to note that while signature-based detection is effective against known threats, it may struggle against new or evolving ransomware strains that have yet to be registered.

Behavior-based detection

The behavior-based detection method involves the monitoring of user activity and comparing it to certain, predetermined criteria. Using this technique, professionals can detect suspicious or unusual behavior, like unusual login times, multiple failed attempts at logging into a privileged account, and system usage.

Behavior-based detection does not depend on any updates to the signature; it detects new threats via heuristics. This implies that it can frequently identify emerging threats more quickly than signature-based detection.

Behavior-based detection can be implemented in the following ways:

  • Extracting malware semantics, or behavioral traits, from a ransomware’s code.
  • Studying patterns, such as frequency/periodicity of identified risk incidents, destinations or volumes exchanged, which express whether any specific behavior exceeds a specified baseline.

Behavior-based detection serves as an effective way to protect against advanced threats like ransomware, zero-day malware, and file-less malware.

Deception-based detection

Deception-based detection involves setting traps or decoys within a network to deceive and lure a ransomware threat. These decoys imitate legitimate files or systems, attracting the attention of ransomware. When the ransomware interacts with these decoys, it exposes its presence, triggering alerts for security personnel.

This detection technique aims to detect ransomware in the early stages of an attack, often before it can cause significant harm. It also reduces the time a cybercriminal spends in an organization’s IT environment and offers insights into tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) and indicators of compromise (IOC).

Detection by abnormal traffic

Also known as anomaly detection, using abnormal traffic to detect ransomware involves monitoring network activities for unusual patterns that may indicate a ransomware attack. This includes spikes in outbound traffic or communication with suspicious IP addresses.

Ransomware usually communicates with command-and-control servers for its instructions or to share encryption keys, activities that can lead to abnormal traffic patterns in an IT network. Analyzing such deviations in a network’s traffic from normal behavior is crucial for identifying ransomware early in its lifecycle.

What are the best practices for ransomware detection and prevention?

Let’s look at what organizations and individuals can do to best detect and prevent a ransomware attack and bolster their cybersecurity posture.

  • Security awareness training: Regular security awareness training programs help employees recognize phishing attempts and suspicious activities, reducing the likelihood of falling victim to ransomware. Educated employees act as a critical line of defense against today’s ever-evolving social engineering tactics.
  • Email security and anti-phishing protection: Strengthening email security and employing anti-phishing measures help block malicious emails at the gateway. Robust filters can prevent the delivery of phishing emails, a common vector for ransomware, reducing the risk of successful attacks.
  • System updates and patch management: Keeping operating systems and software up to date is crucial. Regular system updates and patch management address vulnerabilities that ransomware often exploits, enhancing an organization’s overall cyber resilience.
  • Data backup and recovery: Regularly backing up critical data and implementing a robust recovery plan is essential. In the event of a ransomware attack, organizations can restore their systems and data from backups, minimizing downtime and avoiding the need to pay ransoms.
  • Antivirus and firewalls: Employing reliable antivirus software and robust firewalls provides an additional layer of defense. These tools can detect and block known ransomware signatures and malicious activities, bolstering overall cybersecurity defenses.
  • Network segmentation: Implementing network segmentation limits the lateral movement of ransomware within a network. If one segment is compromised, it reduces the risk of the entire network being affected, aiding in the containment and prevention of widespread damage.
  • User access management: Restricting user privileges ensures that individuals only have access to the resources necessary for their roles. This minimizes the impact of ransomware by limiting the scope of potential encryption and unauthorized access.
  • Monitor and secure endpoints: Continuous monitoring of endpoints for unusual activities, coupled with robust security measures, enhances the chances of early ransomware detection. Endpoint security solutions can identify and mitigate threats before they escalate.

Implementing these best practices will help organizations bolster their security posture while preventing the devastating effects of a ransomware attack. From training users and securing email gateways to maintaining updated systems and implementing effective recovery strategies, a proactive approach is essential. By integrating these practices, organizations can establish a multilayered defense against ransomware, safeguarding their digital assets and ensuring swift, effective, and cost-effective incident response times.

Source: ID Agent

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