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Expert IT Support Services in Calgary

FREE report 16 Critical Questions
You Must Ask Before Hiring an IT Company
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7 Reasons to Choose Tecbound Technology
as Your Technology Partner

  • We offer tailored solutions for your business.

    Most IT providers say that all companies are the same as they all use computers. We know that this is not the case. We learn your needs and remove obstacles, frustrations, and technical problems which are critical to keeping you productive. We appreciate your desire to eliminate waste, unnecessary steps, workarounds, and manual labour.

  • 10-minute or earlier response GUARANTEED.

     We know that your business relies on technology to operate. If you have a system-wide outage, our engineer will respond within 10 minutes.

  • The cybersecurity of your business is our priority.

    Network security should be a priority for every business as ransomware, hacks, attacks, vulnerabilities, and data theft affect companies worldwide daily. It’s a matter of time before your business will be hit. The goal of Tecbound Technology is to give you the best possible network security protection while keeping your needs and budget in mind.

  • No long-term contracts.

    We build lasting relationships without signing long-term contracts. We offer our services on a month-to-month basis and work hard to provide excellent service every day, every month, every year. Our reliable support and excellent service keep our clients coming back.

  • We keep clients updated with a monthly business review.

    Most IT providers keep their activities in a black box because they assume that it is not essential for their customers to know what IT is doing. We understand that this is not the case. We hold monthly IT checkpoints to update you on what we did to keep your network working and secure. This is also a good moment to learn about company initiatives and see how we can support them.

  • We use our vendor relationships to your advantage.

    An advantageous partnership level with key vendors (Microsoft, VMware, Dell) allows us to access special pre- and postproject assistance support that most partners do not have. We provide the right solutions at the right prices validated by vendors, so if issues come up, we can solve them quickly and effectively.

  • All projects are completed as agreed and within your budget.

    When you hire us to complete a project, we won’t nickel and dime you with unforeseen or unexpected charges or delays. We will deliver exactly what we promised on time and within your budget. We offer our services for fixed prices, so you know exactly what to pay, not a cent more.

Tecbound Picture

A Message from Our CEO

Maybe you’re concerned about the rising costs of your IT services, or are running short on time because your business is expanding and you want to hand over the reins of specific tasks to someone else. Whatever your reason, we can help you with IT services of super quality today.

Your business can save money and time with Tecbound Technology’s managed services, network solutions, IT support, and more.

Our customized service packages deliver what you need and want without overstepping your budget. We’re here for expert support from cloud services to data backup.

Oscar Diaz

What people are saying about Tecbound IT Services

Not ready to meet yet?

Download our FREE report 16 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring an IT Company. Numerous CEO’s have used this as a pop quiz to see whether their IT teams could say “yes” to even half of what we’ve outlined here.

Read this guide and you’ll discover:

  • the most expensive mistake which most small business owners make when hiring IT consultants.
  •  the surprising reason why most small businesses fall victim to sub-standard support.
  •  what some IT consultants do to take advantage of business owners, and how to ensure you’re not one of them.
  •  how to avoid expensive computer repair bills and get all the computer support you need for a low fixed monthly fee.

Free Guide

16 Questions You MUST Ask Before Hiring Any IT Company