Use These 4 Tips To Successfully Manage Remote Teams -

Use These 4 Tips To Successfully Manage Remote Teams

The Harvard Business Review explains in an article the best way for managers to drive remote teams’ performance is by focusing on reducing affinity distance. Try switching most remote communication to regular video calls, which are a much better vehicle for establishing rapport and creating empathy than either e-mails or voice calls.

Here we let you These 4 Tips To Successfully Manage Remote Teams:

1) Have a daily check-in, whether it’s over chat or video, check-in with every member of the team. It might be one-on-one for specific projects or in a group setting if there are things everyone needs to know. Apps like Zoom, Google Meet or Webex make this a cinch.

2) Keep communication channels open. In addition to daily check-ins, let everyone know you are available throughout the day – and make sure you’re available. Everyone must be able to communicate with you and each other. Slack is an excellent app for handling remote communication.

3) Look at results, not a daily activity. Micromanaging never works with remote teams. When you take a hands-off approach, you want to look more at the end results of everyone’s work, not what they’re doing every hour or day. It just isn’t productive.

4) Give your team the resources they need. If a team member is missing a critical piece of technology, such as a laptop certified to do the work that needs to be done, make sure they have it. Never assume everyone has everything they need.

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